geog.2 Student Book 9780198393030


geog.123 is a three-book course for the National Curriculum at Key Stage 3. This 4th edition has been specially written to match the new Programme of Study.
geog.123 combines a rigorous approach to content with a light touch, making it the most effective and engaging Key Stage 3 course available. geog.2 includes coverage of GIS, population, urbanisation, weather and climate, coasts, Asia, and Southwest China.
Easy-to-use double-page spreads feature clearly-written objectives, student-friendly language, illustrated step-by-step explanations, up-to-date case studies and place-based examples, and high-quality photos, maps, and diagrams. Each Student Book has a glossary and full index. Answers to the ‘Your turn’ questions can be found in the geog.2 Teacher’s Handbook.
Supported by Kerboodle resources including lesson plans and presentations, animations, differentiated worksheets, online assessment materials, and an online Student Book; a Teacher’s Handbook; a Workbook; and a Workbook Answer Book.

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